1. General Provisions.
1.1. This document is an official offer of the Organizer for individuals to conclude a contract for entertainment entertainment and provide services for booking the necessary specially equipped premises and equipment (requisite) for the time of entertaining game events.
1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public offer.
1.3. The public contract is concluded in a special order: by accepting this offer containing all the essential terms of the contract, without signing by the parties. The contract concluded in this way has legal force in accordance with Art. 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is equivalent to a contract signed by the parties. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the acceptance of an offer is equivalent to concluding a contract on the conditions set forth in the offer.
1.4. A fact confirming acceptance of the conditions set forth below, and, accordingly, acceptance of this public offer, is the direction by the Client of the Booking Order for the Premises.
1.5. The person who has sent the Order is recognized by the Client or the Client's representative with the proper authority. The person who accepted the Order is a duly authorized representative of the Organizer. Together, the Customer and the Organizer are Parties to this agreement.
1.6. This contract is considered concluded after the acceptance of the offer and is valid until the parties fulfill all their obligations thereon.
2. Terms and definitions.
2.1. In this contract, the following terms are used in the following meaning:
Booking - the Customer's purchase of the services of the Organizer for the right to use the Client's Premises and rental of the Inventory (requisite) and assistance of the Quest Organizer in holding the Quest at a time determined by the Organizer and at the conditions specified by the Organizer in accordance with the Rules of the Game.
Order - a duly executed and formed request of the Client to receive the services of the Quest Organizer selected by means of the Website by filling in the appropriate booking form for the quest.
Inventory (props) - property located in the Premise Booked for the conduct of the Quest chosen by the Client.
A website is a resource located on the Internet at http://za-sov.ru/, through which information about the services provided is displayed. The website provides the Client with the opportunity to interact with the reservation system of the Premises and Inventory at the desired time, place and variety of the Quest (Session), including the possibility to obtain available descriptions, images, availability and conditions, as well as the cost of Reserving Premises and Inventory.
The contract is a present public contract concluded through the acceptance of this offer between the Quest Organizer and the Client for the provision of booking services for the Premises and Inventory, as well as the conduct of the Quest.
Quest is an entertaining game event that takes place in the Premises using the Inventory, starting at the time specified in the schedule and passing for a certain continuous period of time, in accordance with the scenario defined by the Organizer and conditions that include requirements, including age restrictions , the composition and number of participants in the Quest (not more than and not less than the number of participants specified on the Website), restrictions on their health status and physical condition (in part inadmissibility of the participants of the Quest conditions of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication or diseases preventing participation in the Quest), etc., depending on the conditions of the particular Quest. The type and timing of the Quest are determined in accordance with the schedule indicated on the Website.
The Client is a capable and capable individual who meets the Organizer's requirements for the Quest participants who has accepted the offer and thus acquires the services of the Quest Organizer for Reserving and Holding the Quest.
The Organizer is a legal entity that renders services to the Client for reservation of the Premises and Inventory and holding the Quest at a certain time of the day and for a certain period of time indicated by the Client in the Order on the basis of the required version of the Quest.
The premise is the immovable property located at the disposal of the Organizer specially equipped by the Inventory, intended for holding the Quest.
The rules of the game are the requirements established for the participants of the Quest and specified in the relevant section of the Website, including (but not limited to) the requirements for the number and composition of participants, their age, health status (including the absence of alcohol and / or alcohol drug intoxication). Depending on the variety of the Quest, the Organizer can also set other, additional requirements for the participants.
Session - events for the conduct of the Quest, carried out in a certain period of time without interruption, produced in a certain place, at a certain time and with a certain duration.
2.2. The text can also use terms not defined by the above concepts. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the offer and common sense.
3. Subject of the contract
3.1. The Organizer is obliged to provide the Clients with the services for reservation of the Premises for the duration of the Session, as well as services for the organization and holding of the Quest.
3.2. The Client makes a choice of the Quest, reservation of the Premises for the duration of the Session and the services for conducting the Quest strictly on the terms and conditions stated on the Website, and the Organizer accepts payment for the reservation of the Premises and Inventory, for organizing and conducting the Quest specified in the Order.
3.3. The Organizer assumes the obligation to reserve the Premises and Inventory (requisite) for conducting Quests in the manner and on the terms set forth in this agreement.
3.4. This contract of public offer is considered to be accepted (concluded) from the moment of creation, execution and sending by the Customer of the Order in the order provided by this contract through the booking form of the quest on the Web-Site. Thus, the Customer and the Organizer confirm their agreement with the terms of the agreement, after which this agreement is considered the basic document in the official relationship between the Customer and the Organizer.
4. Conditions and procedure for the provision of services.
4.1. The cost of reservation services for the Premises and Inventory for the time of the Sessions and services for the organization and conduct of the Quest is stated on the Website and can be changed by the Organizer. The services are paid at the prices indicated on the Website.
4.2. The Organizer guarantees that, as of the date of the reservation of the Premises and Equipment reserved for the Session time indicated on the Website, the Client has all the necessary rights to the Premises and Inventory for the Quest.
4.3. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to provide the reservation service to the Client in cases where the Customer does not comply with the requirements specified in clause 2 of this agreement. The terms of the Organizer's refusal to provide the services for the armoring of the Premises and Inventory and the Quest are governed by the section of the "Rules" Web site, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
4.4. Service delivery procedure:
4.4.1. The booking is considered completed when the following actions are performed sequentially:
- Choosing a suitable time for the Client (Player) and the version of the Quest on the Website and sending it to the Organizer of the Order;
- Choosing a payment option suitable for the Client: in person at the Organizer's office, or electronically using payment systems.
- After receipt of the formed Order, the Organizer sends a notification to the Client to the e-mail address indicated by him about the reservation of the Premises at the time and variety of the Quest desired by the Client.
- Deposit by the Client of 100% advance payment for the service in the amount of the cost of the Quest specified on the Website. Cash paid by the Customer for the Booking in person or by payment through electronic payment systems is subject to refund, provided the Client observes the cancellation period of the Booking specified in clause 4.4.2. actual agreement. In case of violation of the term of cancellation of the Booking, the Organizer has the right to demand payment of a fine in the manner provided for in paragraph 8.2. actual agreement.
4.4.2. Booking is considered canceled:
- no later than 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to the start of the Quest, the Customer can cancel the Booking by sending the Organizer the appropriate notice via the e-mail of the Organizer info@za-sov.ru or by personally calling +7 (812) 333-03-19 . The date and time of cancellation of the Booking shall be the day and the hour when the Organizer receives information from the Client.
4.5. Processing of Orders for Reservation and Servicing of Clients is carried out after the Organizer receives the relevant form of reservation of the quest on the Website filled out by the Customer. The processing time for the Order is not more than 24 (twenty four) hours from the moment of completion of the Order execution by the Client.
5. Rights and obligations of the parties.
5.1. The Organizer has the right:
- refuse to provide the Client with the services for booking the premises and conducting the Quest in the event of a violation by the Client of the conditions for completing the Booking provided for in this offer;
- redirect the Customer to the Internet resource of the payment system for payment;
- deny the Client access to the Premises for the Quest, provided that the Client does not comply with the rules for participating in the Quest established by this agreement and stated on the Website in the "Rules" section and recover from him a fine in the order and amount specified in clause 8.2. actual agreement;
- in case the session is booked, the Organizer reserves the right to refuse to visit the game to a person or group of persons who have been late for a session for more than 15 (fifteen) minutes without explanation and compensation.
5.2. The Organizer undertakes:
- provide the Client with all necessary information on the Quest, including available descriptions, images, information on the minimum and maximum permissible number of Quest participants, sound requirements to the participants themselves, their age, physical and health status, as well as information about the cost of the reservation and the cancellation rules ;
- inform the Customer about the status of the Order. The fact that the Customer is informed is the fact of sending a confirmation email to the e-mail specified by the Customer and / or the mobile phone number indicated by the Customer by SMS notification;
- by its own efforts and at its own expense to properly settle the Client's reasonable claims related to improper quality of rendering services that fall within the scope of the Organizer's responsibility, related to the fact of the Booking of the Premises and the services for admission of the Client to participate in the Quest;
- within one (1) working day, respond to the Client's requests submitted in writing or electronically.
- take all necessary security measures to keep the Client's personal data confidential.
5.3. The Client has the right:
- independently decide on the use of the Order and Booking services on the Website. At the same time, the Client acknowledges that in case of using the Website and sending the Order, he fully and unconditionally accepts the terms of the offer and concludes the Agreement;
- require the Organizer to provide a written confirmation (to the e-mail indicated by the Customer and / or the mobile phone number indicated by the Customer, via SMS notification) confirming the fact of sending the Booking Order;
- contact the Organizer's support service using the contacts indicated on the Website;
- leave feedback on the work of the Organizer on the Website.
5.4. The Client is obliged:
- read in detail all the rules of using the service, set out on the Website;
- agree that when the Customer sent the Order, made the Reservation, completed the Booking, - he accepted the offer and is a party to this agreement with all the rights and obligations ensuing from this fact;
- Book the Premises and Inventory for the duration of the Session in accordance with the terms of this offer and the requirements of the Organizer;
- to pay in full the cost of the reservation using the payment methods specified in section 6 of this agreement;
- timely and fully inform the Organizer of the information necessary and sufficient for the Order and Bookings, as well as any other necessary information relating to the implementation by the Parties of the terms of this Agreement and to bear full responsibility for it. The Customer confirms the authenticity of the personal data entered by him when working on the Website and assumes all responsibility for their accuracy, completeness and reliability and agrees to their processing;
- accept the risk of adverse consequences in case of unreliability of the data specified in the ordering of the Order;
- comply with the terms of this contract.
6. Settlements and payment procedure
6.1. Payment for the reservation of the Premises and Inventory for the Session and services for the organization and conduct of the Quest, in accordance with the time specified on the Website and the requirements for its conduct, is made by making a 100% advance payment in the amount indicated on the Website in the section containing Characteristics of the Quest in which the Client wishes to participate. The terms of payment are established by the Organizer and are communicated to the Client at the time of execution of the Order in the quest reservation form created for this purpose.
6.2. Payment can be made in the following ways:
- by depositing cash in cash at the Organizer's cash desk,
- by transferring the required amount to the Organizer's account using payment systems.
- by writing off bonus points from the Customer's personal account participating in the loyalty system.
- by presenting a document (discount flyer, ticket, certificate, etc.) granting the right to full or partial payment for the reservation.
6.3. If the Customer does not comply with the rules established by the Organizer and, therefore, is unable to participate in the Quest for this reason, the Customer may be fined by the Organizer for a simple Premises and Inventory and cancellation of the Session through the Customer's fault in accordance with clause 8.2. actual agreement.
7. Special Conditions
7.1. The Organizer is obliged to use the personal data of the Customer and / or the persons indicated by them, used in the process of issuing the Order, exclusively for the reservation of the Premises for the duration of the Session, with the purpose of identifying and supporting the Client.
7.2. The Organizer undertakes under no circumstances to use the personal data of the Client and the persons indicated by them for unauthorized distribution of materials that are not related to the made orders and / or inform the Customer about Zasov's activities, current promotions, special offers and the privilege for the client in the performance of this activity , as well as not to provide the specified data and information to third parties, except by the court decision that entered into legal force.
7.3. Upon acceptance of this offer, the Client gives unconditional consent to receive information messages to the specified e-mail address or mobile phone number.
8. Responsibility of the Organizer and the Client
8.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this public offer, the Organizer and the Client are liable in accordance with the terms of this offer and the current legislation.
8.2. In case of the Customer's refusal to conduct the Quest later than stipulated in clause 4.4.2. term, or violation by the Client of the terms of the Quest and the Game Rules specified on the Website for each particular Quest (for example, non-compliance with the Organizer's requirements for the number and composition of participants, their age, health status, physical condition, including lack of alcohol and / or narcotic intoxication, other requirements for the conduct of the Quest), as well as violations of the terms of this agreement, the Organizer has the right to demand from the Client the payment of a fine for a simple Premises and Inventory in the amount of 100% of the cost services for booking the quest. The fine may be withheld by the Organizer from the cost of the reservation service paid by the Customer to the Organizer, which the Organizer notifies the Customer about.
8.3. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for the impossibility of servicing the Client on the Website for any technical reasons, including disruption of communication lines, equipment malfunction, etc.
8.4. In case of failure to provide or improper provision of services for the organization and holding of the Quest through the fault of the Organizer, the cost of the advance payment for the reservation shall be returned to the Client in full.
8.5. The organizer is not liable for violation of the terms of this agreement, if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances, including: actions of public authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of nature, lack of electricity and / or computer network failures , strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to those listed, which may affect the performance by the Organizer of the terms of this public offer and it is not controlled.
8.6. The Organizer is not liable to the Customer and does not pay him any compensation for expenses incurred by the Customer in the event that the Organizer is unable to fulfill its obligations, including due to
- non-compliance by the Client with the established requirements for the participation of his personally and members of the group formed in the Quest, including requirements concerning age restrictions, restrictions on the number of participants in the Quest (no more than and no less than the number of participants specified on the Website), restrictions on physical condition and the state of health in terms of the inadmissibility of the participants of the Quest conditions of alcohol and / or narcotic intoxication, as well as diseases that interfere with participation in the Quest and other restrictions established by the Rules of the Game,
- in cases of creating insurmountable obstacles as a result of actions of authorities or third parties.
8.7. Disputes on the implementation of this contract, which arose on the initiative of the Client, are subject to consideration by the relevant court at the location of the Organizer in compliance with the claim procedure. The claim in writing is to be sent not later than 1 (one) calendar day from the moment of the end of the provision of services (holding the Quest) to the address and e-mail of the Organizer indicated on the Website. The deadline for responding to a claim is up to 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the receipt of the claim by the Organizer.
9. The procedure for changing and terminating this
public contract-offer
9.1. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the conditions of this offer at any time and, if the time for the changes to take effect is not specifically stipulated, they start their operation from the moment they are published on the Website.
9.2. Use by the Customer of the Website after making changes to the offer is clearly understood by the Organizer as acceptance of the changes.
9.3. The contract concluded by means of the acceptance of this offer can be terminated at any time on the Customer's initiative by sending the relevant notice to the Organizer in the manner provided for in 4.4.2. of this agreement, no later than 48 (forty-eight) hours before the appearance of the Client in the Reserved Premises in order to participate in the Quest.
9.4. In the event of violation by the Customer of the order and conditions of the Booking provided for in this agreement, the contract is considered not concluded.
10. Validity of the contract-offer
The contract comes into force from the moment of its conclusion (acceptance of the offer) and is valid until the Parties fulfill all obligations thereunder.